Change your mind. Change your life.


Alchemise your subconscious mind into a conscious life

Are you ready to unlock the limitless potential of your mind and transform your life for the better? Hypnotherapy is a powerful technique to help you achieve profound, lasting change in a short amount of time.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful and versatile tool that can benefit individuals from all walks of life. Whether you're struggling with stress, anxiety, phobias, or seeking personal growth and self-improvement, hypnotherapy can assist you on your journey towards positive transformation in a short amount of time. Once you understand that the subconscious mind is the control centre for your entire existence you can then learn how to tap into the subconscious mind through hypnosis and create changes by rewiring neural pathways. I hold a diploma in clinical hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy and have extensive training in long-term and behaviour change and all sessions are conducted in a highly ethical and professional manner in a safe and nurturing environment.

Throughout our session you are always in complete control. At no point in our session are you unconscious or out of control. I do not have control over your mind and I cannot make you do anything or say anything that you don’t want to or that is against your will - unless you genuinely want to cluck like a chicken! Hypnotherapy is a psychological and therapeutic technique based on the principles of psychology and neurobiology. It does not involve any supernatural or magical powers. It is a well-established and evidence-based practice used in conjunction with psychotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy and should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment or professional advice. It can be used alongside conventional medical approaches to support healing and well-being.

While hypnotherapy can produce powerful results, it is not an instant or magical cure. It typically requires a series of sessions to achieve lasting and meaningful changes. Personal commitment and active participation are vital for successful outcomes.

What are some of the benefits of hypnotherapy?

✓ Stress Reduction: Overcome the burdens of everyday life and find inner peace.

✓ Anxiety Management: Liberate yourself from anxious thoughts and embrace tranquility.

✓ Phobia Release: Conquer your fears and regain control of your life.

✓ Self-Confidence Boost: Unlock your potential and develop a strong, unshakable belief in yourself.

✓ Habit Breaking: Bid farewell to unwanted habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

✓ Goal Achievement: Set and accomplish your goals with newfound determination.

✓ Trauma Resolution: Addressing past traumas and supporting emotional healing.

Hypnotherapy isn’t just a come in, sit down, have a treatment and off you go session. It’s a journey that requires safety and trust to be built, so we start with an initial consultation where we talk about why you’re wanting hypnotherapy, your goals and intended positive outcomes, as well as relevant medical or psychological history. This helps me tailor your session/s to your exact needs and desires. The initial session is approx 90 minutes to 2 hours, then follow up sessions are 60 minutes.

The basic structure of the actual hypnosis session is
this is where I guide you into a state of deep relaxation. This is often done through spoken words, encouraging you to focus on your breathing, and using visualisation techniques.

DEEPENING: After the initial induction, I may use further techniques to deepen the hypnotic trance. Deepening techniques can include progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery, helping you enter an even more relaxed and receptive state.

SUGGESTION AND VISUALISATION: Once you’re in a deep trance, I may offer positive suggestions and visualisations related to your goals. These suggestions aim to influence the subconscious mind positively, promoting behavioural changes or emotional healing.

EXPLORATION AND THERAPEUTIC WORK: Depending on your specific needs, we may engage in exploratory work within your subconscious mind. This could involve revisiting past memories or addressing underlying issues contributing to the current concern.

EMPOWERMENT AND RESILIENCE: A significant aspect of clinical hypnotherapy is empowering you to take control of your thoughts and emotions. I may off suggestions to explore feelings of confidence, self-worth, and resilience, helping you overcome challenges.

RETURNING TO FULL AWARENESS: Towards the end of the session, I’ll guide you out of the hypnotic trance and back to full awareness. You’ll likely feel refreshed and relaxed after the experience.

INTEGRATION: After the session, we will spend some time discussing the experience you had, allowing you to share any insights or experiences you had during hypnosis. I will also provide guidance on integrating the session's insights into daily life.

What happens in a hypnotherapy session?

If you are ready to explore the depths of your subconscious mind and create deep and lasting transformation by simply changing your mind, book your first session with me today. In person sessions are held at Bulimba, Brisbane, or via Zoom. If you are unable to align your availability with mine through the booking calendar, please contact me here to arrange a mutually convenient time.